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Exhibition opening Ilit Azoulay. QUEENDOM. Navigating Future Codes

25.01.2024 | 19:00 — 21:00
Ilit Azoulay, Queendom, Panel 10, 2023, inkjet print, 135 × 96 × 5 cm, ed. 2/2 + 1 AP, LOHAUS SOMINSKY, © Ilit Azoulay / LOHAUS SOMINSKY, Munich / Braverman Gallery, Tel Aviv

Cordial invitation to the exhibition opening

Ilit Azoulay
QUEENDOM. Navigating Future Codes

in presence of the artist

with Harald Krejci, director
and Tina Teufel, curator

Sound performance
by Wolfgang Schramml/Sonic Flow

Thursday | 25.01.2024 | 19:00 — 21:00

Free admission, MönchsbergAufzug lift included!

No registration required

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